Wednesday, November 3, 2010


What a sad day for this county. The Republican party succeeded in convincing the majority of the country that all of the economic gains that we have made in the last 2 years weren’t gains at all. They misunderstand what would have happened if President Obama and Congress didn’t do what they have done during that time. They plugged the hole that was bleeding the country of jobs and making the poor poorer and the rich richer. What a sad state of affairs when some of the most wealthy businesses are allowed to dump money into campaigns that are run on a bunch of lies. We are much better off than we were two years ago. We are much better off than we were when the ignorant Bush was in office. Looking at some of the exit polls it seems that the only people that don’t believe that is the rich white male population (RWMP). Has this county actually made any progress in the last 200 years in the matter of human rights? It sure doesn’t look like it. Most of the women in this country are smarter than the RWMP and know that the country is making great progress. The minorities are still standing behind our current administration. People who make less than 50,000 per year. People with a post graduate degree. Young people. All are behind the current administration. Pretty much all of the intelligent people in this country who aren’t greedy and believe that this country has the means and the ability to give everyone the American dream. There shouldn’t be poor homeless hungry sick people in one of the richest countries in the world. That’s not a democracy. We all want the American dream, how come only some of us actually get to live it? I’ll tell you why. Ignorant greedy self-centered immoral unethical Republicans. You’d think their party is run by white supremacists. WTF?

Friday, October 22, 2010


I was reading about the crisis in Haiti this morning and looking at some of the comments from the people who are stupid enough to write them so that the whole world can see. Oops, I guess that includes me. But I'm not stupid, that's the difference. If we all took an hour or two out of our week and volunteered instead of playing golf or riding those awful four wheelers all over God's country, Haiti, this country, and the rest of the world would be in much better shape than it is now. This country has been taken over by greed, lust, and gluttony. We really, for the majority of the population have no idea what it's like to live in an underdeveloped country. For the resources that the United States has, we should be in a place like Haiti that needs our help instead of places like Iraq. Don't get me started on that. I'm glad we're in Afghanistan, but we never ever needed to be in Iraq. Thousands of our sons and daughters died in Iraq for nothing. If we wanted to save the world from terrorism, which is what we are now doing, we could have saved many of those lives by doing what we are doing now. See, tangential. You made me do it. My point was, that for the resources, the manpower, and the determination, the people of the US could easily fix most of the world’s problems, with one exception. The people in charge are greedy, lustful, gluttonous people that want everything for themselves.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Mr. President Obama has done more good for this country in his first year than the ignorant right administration has done in the past 8 prior years. Anyone who thinks Palin or McCain or either of the Bush's were anywhere near qualified for the job is just plain ignorant. And, anyone who thinks Al Gore is spreading lies, is again, just plain ignorant. We, on the left, are not the enemy. We are bailing your right wing greedy selfish asses out of the near total destruction of America by the Bush administration. Mr. President Obama may not be perfect, but he is an exceptional individual, and only an exceptional individual should be leading our country. Left is the majority! Live with it, or live somewhere else. Unbelievable stupidity running around this county. I am amazed every day at the ignorance of some people. Global warming is real, people. Have you been to the mountains in Colorado or Wyoming lately? The pine beetles don’t survive when it’s too cold. They survive because it hasn’t been cold enough for long enough in the winters. And, where do you think all of this extra moisture is coming from? All of these massive hurricanes? All of this flooding? Do you not understand the simple process of rain? Water evaporates, forms clouds, dumps rain. Simple. Also as simple, there is more water on the planet because there are less and less glaciers every minute, why, because of global warming you ignorant right wing idiots. More water, more rain. The only people you are fooling by saying that Al Gore is spreading lies are the ignorant people who just can’t accept anyone else in the white house beside a high-brow white man. Wow, don’t get me started on that. Perhaps tomorrow.