Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's up with this?

In 2010, there were 1 million veterans receiving disability pensions. 25% of these were Vietnam veterans with the disability of adult-onset diabetes. More Vietnam veterans are being compensated for diabetes than any other disease. Explain to me how the VHA is not socialized medicine? And please don't start off with some fight for your country bull. What if I'm a healthy young man that wanted to join the armed forces and was disqualified because of my eyesight or some other problem that didn't harm my civilian life enough to be on disability, but wasn't good enough for the armed forces? I'm no less an American than someone in the armed forces, am I? The argument about socialized medicine is ridiculous people. Not to mention that there are so many socialized programs in the United States, it isn't even funny. I'm getting so tired of someone parroting someone else without first checking the facts and looking at all sides of the argument before spouting off. If it wasn't for President Obama, people, this country would be so much worse off today then it would have been with a Republican President. We're still in trouble, but we were headed for a Great Depression worse than the last one and President Obama pulled us out. I saw a cute bumper sticker today. It said, "Voting for President is just like driving a car. If you want to go in reverse, select R. If you want to go forward, select D." That pretty much sums it up.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Liberal Arts not Conservative Design

I was talking to my wife last night and the subject came up as to what a liberal arts education can do for a person. Specifically, how a LAE develops a person's capacity to reason, think analytically, show compassion and stewardship, and, well, just be an all around better person. And then it occurred to me that when I was in the College of Business at the University of Wyoming a few years ago, that the business majors - BS majors - many of them didn't have to take as many Arts and Sciences classes that a BA major would have. Which is why I believe that many of the students in the COB were Republican. They didn't know better. Take our outstanding president Barack Obama. He's most definitely had a LAE. He's pretty damn smart. He's very analytical when it comes to the various problems of this country. He's also very humble. He knows his limitations. My point being, he has had more great ideas in his first two years in office than the past three presidents combined. Which goes back to the LAE, and the JD, for that matter.
Then, I was reading the book "Dude, Where's my Country" this morning, and looking at the publication date, I wondered why, if this information was out to the public in 2003, how in the hell did George W. Bin Laden get re-elected. You know, that former president, that wasn't really elected the first time around. That former president that spent his eight years in office totally destroying the economy and the world view of this country. Yes, and now that we have a president that actually gives a crap about the middle class, not just the billionaires, the GOP want's to undo all of the good change that he's accomplished in his first two years in office. Wake up, people! This country needs change, and the GOP is not going to give it the change it needs. They just want to make sure that no billionaire is left behind. Thanks, Michael Moore. Keep doing what you're doing, dude!